Following this article, you can uninstall Microsoft Teams entirely from your device in 5 minutes. You may want to uninstall Microsoft Teams from your device for many reasons. Uninstalling Teams is not the same compared to other software introduced by Microsoft.
To learn how to uninstall Microsoft Teams entirely from your device, you need to uninstall one additional service from your device that Microsoft installed without your intention.
Let’s start and remove Microsoft Teams from your device altogether.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Teams App
To learn How to uninstall Microsoft Teams on your device, you must uninstall Microsoft Teams by going to the program and feature in the Control panel. Please follow the below instructions:
- Press Window Key + R on your keyboard
- Type Appwiz.cpl and Enter
- On the list of programs, select Microsoft Teams.
- Click Uninstall button to remove Microsoft Teams from your device.
You have learned how to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely from your device, but you are not done yet. You need to uninstall one more service from your device. Otherwise, Microsoft Teams will automatically get installed on your device without your consent.
What is Teams Machine Wide Installer
The Teams Machine Wide installer is an application responsible for installing Microsoft Teams for every user on the device. When you install any Microsoft 365, click to run the installer.
Earlier, when Microsoft Teams was released, it was a standalone application that required to be installed manually apart from Microsoft 365 applications; later, Microsoft Teams was joined to the Microsoft 365 family.
Microsoft wanted to install Microsoft Teams automatically for all the existing Microsoft 365 users; Microsoft started to install the Teams Machine Wide installer on all the user devices with active Microsoft 365 subscriptions.
To stop Microsoft Teams from automatically getting installed on your device, you must uninstall the Teams machine-comprehensive installer from your device. I hope in this article you learn how to uninstall Microsoft Teams and teams’ machine-comprehensive installer properly.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Teams Machine Wide Installer
To uninstall Teams machine-wide Installer permanently, please follow the below instruction carefully. If you didn’t remove the Teams Machine Wide Installer service from your device, you would find Microsoft Teams automatically installed on your PC when you restart or turn on your PC the next time.
So, To completely uninstall Microsoft Teams from your device, you need to uninstall Teams Machine Wide Installer.
- Again open Programs and Features
- Select Teams Machine-Wide Installer
- Click Uninstall to remove Microsoft Teams from your device.
If you uninstall Office on your device, Microsoft Teams will also be removed.
If you perform quick or online repairs for your Office, Teams will be automatically installed again.
Check out this blog to prevent Microsoft Teams Keeps Reinstalling.
How to Remove Microsoft Teams Application data
- Press Window Key + R on your Keyboard
- Type %appdata% and enter
- Select Teams Folder
- Right, Click and choose Delete to delete the Teams folder.
Now go to the below location and delete all the folders with Teams. Teams use the below location to store user files, logs, cache and junk files etc.,
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft
- Teams
- TeamsMeetingAddin
- TeamsPresenceAddin
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft
- Teams
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft
Once you delete the Teams folder on the above location, you can assume that you have successfully removed teams from your device.
How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening Automatically
Are you annoyed with Microsoft Teams from Opening automatically at every startup? Then you are not alone.
Microsoft Teams has now become a part of Microsoft 365 products which means it is included in most Microsoft 365 subscriptions and installed along with the other Microsoft 365 products.
Check out the detailed blog for How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening Automatically.
Common FAQs:
How do I completely uninstall Microsoft teams?
To uninstall Microsoft Teams from your device, please follow the above articles. I have explained and made sure to uninstall the Teams machine-wide Installer to prevent Microsoft Teams from installing again on your device without your consent.
How do I get rid of Microsoft Teams in Windows 11?
To get rid of Microsoft Teams in Windows 11 please follow the above articles “how to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely”. In this article, I have explained in a simple way and make sure to uninstall the Teams machine wide Installer also to prevent Microsoft Teams from install again on your device without your consent.
How do I remove a Microsoft team from Windows 10?
Please follow the above articles to remove a Microsoft Team from Windows 10. I have explained and made sure to uninstall the Teams machine-wide Installer to prevent Microsoft Teams from installing again on your device without your consent.
How do I stop Microsoft Teams from starting up?
To stop Microsoft Teams from starting up automatically, please check my other blog; how do I stop Microsoft Teams from starting up? I have listed four possible options to stop Microsoft Teams from startup up.
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